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Below you'll find the form to send in a poem or a fictional story. We are always taking submissions. There is no specific genre your submission has to be. We prioritize posting the work of writers of color and/or trans/non-cis writers. Your submission doesn't need to be new or unpublished. Multiple submissions at the same time are welcome, but please only paste one submission at a time into the form. [Otherwise they could get mixed up when it's automatically emailed.] If you want to publish under a pseudonym that's entirely understandable. Please include a document link to ensure formatting is preserved. Once the submission has been received and read we'll reach out to you to finalize any details before posting it. The only reason a piece could potentially be rejected is if we feel it promotes bigotry or unacceptable sentiments and if you are not open to removing those aspects. Your work does not have to be positive, pretty, or 'normal' but this is not the place to host hateful sentiments against marginalized people.

Send Us a Poem or Story!
type of submission

Thank you for your submission!

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